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How to Spot Fake Reviews on Amazon

Online shopping has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, and Amazon is one of the largest and most popular e-commerce platforms out there. With millions of products available, it can be tough to decide which ones to buy, and reviews can play a critical role in making a purchasing decision. Unfortunately, not all reviews on Amazon are trustworthy, and some of them are fake. In this article, we’ll explore how to spot fake reviews on Amazon and what you can do about them.

What are fake reviews on Amazon?

Fake reviews are reviews that are not genuine or authentic. They are usually written by people who have not actually used the product, or who have been compensated in some way for writing a positive review. Fake reviews can be created by the seller of the product or by a third-party service that specializes in generating fake reviews.

Why do people write fake reviews?

There are many reasons why people write fake reviews. Some sellers create fake reviews to make their products look more popular and desirable than they actually are. Others use fake reviews to manipulate the Amazon algorithm and increase their product’s visibility in search results. Some people are paid to write fake reviews, while others do it out of a sense of loyalty to the seller or a desire to gain social status within a particular community.


How to spot fake reviews on Amazon

  1. Look for Verified Purchase

One of the easiest ways to spot fake reviews on Amazon is to look for the “Verified Purchase” label next to the review. This label indicates that the reviewer actually bought the product from Amazon, which makes their review more trustworthy. If a review does not have the “Verified Purchase” label, it does not necessarily mean it’s fake, but it should be viewed with more skepticism.

  1. Check the Reviewer’s Profile

Another way to spot fake reviews is to check the reviewer’s profile. If the reviewer has only written one review, or if they have written multiple reviews for the same product, it could be a sign that the review is fake. Genuine reviewers usually write reviews for a variety of products and don’t focus on a single product or seller.

  1. Look for Similar Language and Tone

If you suspect that a review is fake, try comparing it to other reviews of the same product. If you notice that multiple reviews have a similar language and tone, it could be a sign that they were written by the same person or group of people. Fake reviews are often created by third-party services that use templates and pre-written text to generate reviews quickly and easily.

  1. Watch Out for Overly Positive or Negative Reviews

If a review seems overly positive or negative, it could be a red flag that it’s fake. Genuine reviews tend to be more balanced and include both positive and negative aspects of the product. If a review sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

  1. Look at the Timing of the Reviews

If you see a sudden influx of reviews for a product, especially if they are all positive, it could be a sign of a fake review campaign. Fake review campaigns often involve a sudden surge of positive reviews in a short period, followed by a drop-off in reviews.

What to do about fake reviews on Amazon

If you come across a fake review on Amazon, there are several things you can do:

  1. Report the Review

Amazon allows you to report a review if you believe it violates their community guidelines. To report a review, click on the “Report abuse” button next to the review and follow the instructions.

  1. Contact Amazon Customer Service

If you believe that a seller is using fake reviews to manipulate their product’s ratings, you can contact Amazon customer service and report the seller. Amazon takes fake reviews seriously and has mechanisms in place to investigate and take action against sellers who engage in this practice.

  1. Use Third-Party Tools

There are several third-party tools available that can help you identify fake reviews on Amazon. These tools analyze review patterns and language to determine if a review is likely to be fake. Some popular third-party tools include Fakespot and ReviewMeta.

  1. Leave Your Own Honest Review

One of the best ways to combat fake reviews on Amazon is to leave your own honest review. Genuine reviews help other shoppers make informed decisions and can also help push fake reviews down in search results.


Fake reviews are a pervasive problem on Amazon, and they can make it difficult for shoppers to make informed decisions. However, by being vigilant and using the tips and tools outlined in this article, you can spot fake reviews and take steps to combat them. Remember, the best way to ensure that reviews on Amazon are genuine is to leave your own honest review after purchasing and using a product.

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