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Arnold Schwarzenegger On His Professional Rivalry With Sylvester Stallone: “We Were Competing About Everything”

The 1980s were a battleground for two of Hollywood’s biggest action stars, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. Their professional rivalry was legendary, with both actors striving to outdo each other in every aspect of their careers. In a candid interview for his new Netflix documentary, ‘Arnold,’ Schwarzenegger reflects on their intense competition, admitting that he saw Stallone as his sworn enemy. This article delves into the emotional journey of their rivalry, from its bitter origins to their eventual reconciliation, exploring the impact it had on their lives and careers.

The Genesis of the Rivalry

The rivalry between Schwarzenegger and Stallone was fueled by their shared desire to dominate the action movie genre. Both men possessed incredible charisma, chiseled physiques, and undeniable talent, making them formidable adversaries on the big screen. As Schwarzenegger recounts, every time Stallone released a new film, such as ‘Rambo II,’ he felt compelled to surpass it, driving himself to greater heights of performance and success.

Competing on Every Front

Their rivalry extended beyond the silver screen, encompassing every aspect of their lives. Schwarzenegger reveals that they were in constant competition, not just in terms of physical appearance but also in terms of toughness, weaponry, and the intensity of their roles. It was a battle for supremacy, with both actors striving to prove that they were the ultimate action hero. This fierce rivalry fueled their determination and pushed them to work harder and excel in their respective careers.

A Feud That Divided

The intensity of their rivalry reached a point where Schwarzenegger and Stallone could barely stand to be in the same room together. Their antagonism was palpable, and they required separation even during public events. The feud had a profound impact on their lives, consuming their thoughts and actions. The world watched as two titans clashed, never knowing if they would ever find common ground.

Desperate Measures and Underhand Tactics

In the pursuit of victory, Schwarzenegger confesses to resorting to underhand tactics to undermine Stallone’s career. The desire to emerge as the undisputed king of action movies led him to take steps that were not entirely ethical. The lengths to which he went in his bid to sabotage Stallone’s success highlight the depths of their rivalry and the ferocity with which they fought for supremacy.

From Foes to Friends

Despite their bitter feud, the 1990s marked a turning point in their relationship. Schwarzenegger and Stallone were able to put their differences aside and join forces in business. Along with Bruce Willis, they launched the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain, a venture that not only brought them together but also showcased their ability to work as a team. This unexpected partnership demonstrated their capacity to rise above their rivalry and forge a new path together.

Reconciliation on the Big Screen

Their reconciliation went beyond business collaborations. Schwarzenegger made a cameo appearance in Stallone’s movie ‘The Expendables,’ a gesture that marked a symbolic reunion of the action legends. This gesture opened the door for further collaborations, with both actors sharing the screen again in the 2013 film ‘Escape Plan.’ The ability to work together showcased their maturity and growth, as they moved beyond their rivalry to embrace mutual respect and camaraderie.


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone’s professional rivalry was one for the ages. It was born out of their relentless pursuit of success and fueled by a burning desire to outshine each other. The impact of this rivalry on their lives and careers cannot be underestimated. It pushed them to their limits, driving them to create iconic characters and unforgettable movies. While their fierce competition initially tore them apart, it ultimately brought them back together, teaching them the value of collaboration and friendship. Today, their rivalry stands as a testament to the power of determination and the potential for growth, even in the most intense of circumstances.es and Underhand Tactics

In the pursuit of victory, Schwarzenegger confesses to resorting to underhand tactics to undermine Stallone’s career. The desire to emerge as the undisputed king of action movies led him to take steps that were not entirely ethical. The lengths to which he went in his bid to sabotage Stallone’s success highlight the depths of their rivalry and the ferocity with which they fought for supremacy.

5. From Foes to Friends

Despite their bitter feud, the 1990s marked a turning point in their relationship. Schwarzenegger and Stallone were able to put their differences aside and join forces in business. Along with Bruce Willis, they launched the Planet Hollywood restaurant chain, a venture that not only brought them together but also showcased their ability to work as a team. This unexpected partnership demonstrated their capacity to rise above their rivalry and forge a new path together.

6. Reconciliation on the Big Screen

Their reconciliation went beyond business collaborations. Schwarzenegger made a cameo appearance in Stallone’s movie ‘The Expendables,’ a gesture that marked a symbolic reunion of the action legends. This gesture opened the door for further collaborations, with both actors sharing the screen again in the 2013 film ‘Escape Plan.’ The ability to work together showcased their maturity and growth, as they moved beyond their rivalry to embrace mutual respect and camaraderie.


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone’s professional rivalry was one for the ages. It was born out of their relentless pursuit of success and fueled by a burning desire to outshine each other. The impact of this rivalry on their lives and careers cannot be underestimated. It pushed them to their limits, driving them to create iconic characters and unforgettable movies. While their fierce competition initially tore them apart, it ultimately brought them back together, teaching them the value of collaboration and friendship. Today, their rivalry stands as a testament to the power of determination and the potential for growth, even in the most intense of circumstances.

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