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Get Positive Energy in Your Study Room with Vastu Tips


Your study room is where you spend most of your time studying and working on important projects. It’s essential to have a positive and energetic environment in this room to enhance your focus and productivity. According to Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, the placement of objects and the direction of the room can significantly impact the energy of the space.

In this article, we will discuss some Vastu tips that can help you create a positive and energetic study room.

Position of the Study Room

The first and foremost tip is to choose the right direction for your study room. According to Vastu Shastra, the ideal direction for a study room is the North-East corner of the house. This direction is believed to enhance concentration, memory, and overall academic performance.

If the North-East corner is not available, you can also consider the East or West direction. However, avoid placing the study room in the South direction as it can cause distraction and lack of focus.

The Shape of the Room

The shape of the study room also plays a significant role in creating positive energy. Ideally, the study room should be square or rectangular in shape, as it promotes stability and balance.

If your study room has an irregular shape, you can use curtains or room dividers to create a square or rectangular shape.

The Study Table

The study table is the most important piece of furniture in the study room. According to Vastu Shastra, the study table should be placed in the North or East direction, facing North or East. This position is believed to enhance concentration and focus.

Make sure that the study table is not placed under a beam or directly facing a wall. Also, avoid placing the study table in the South direction as it can cause distractions and lack of focus.

The Chair in Study Room

The chair you sit on while studying is also essential for creating positive energy. According to Vastu Shastra, the chair should be comfortable and placed in the South direction, facing North. This position is believed to enhance focus and concentration.

Avoid placing the chair under a beam or directly facing a wall, as it can cause a lack of focus.

The Bookshelf in Study Room

The bookshelf in your study room should be placed in the West or South-West direction. According to Vastu Shastra, this position is believed to promote knowledge and wisdom.

Make sure that the bookshelf is not cluttered and is well-organized. A cluttered bookshelf can create negative energy and hinder your academic performance.

The Colors of the Study Room

Colors play an important role in creating positive energy in your study room. According to Vastu Shastra, the colors blue and green are ideal for a study room, as they promote calmness, focus, and creativity.

Avoid using dark colors such as black and grey, as they can create a dull and negative atmosphere in the room.

The Lighting in the Study Room

Proper lighting is essential for a positive and energetic study room. According to Vastu Shastra, the study room should have ample natural light during the day. Make sure that the study table is placed near a window to allow natural light to enter the room.

In the evening, use a bright white light for the study table, as it enhances focus and concentration. Avoid using dim or yellow lights, as they can create a dull and negative atmosphere in the room.

The Door and Windows in Study Room

The door and windows of the study room also play a significant role in creating positive energy. According to Vastu Shastra, the study room should have a door in the North or East direction. This position is believed to enhance focus and concentration.

Make sure that the door is not directly facing a window, as it can cause distraction and lack of focus. Also, keep the windows clean and well-maintained, as they allow fresh air and natural light to enter the room.

The Decor

The decor in your study room can also impact the energy of the space. According to Vastu Shastra, you should decorate your study room with inspiring and motivational posters, quotes, and artwork.

Avoid using negative or violent images, as they can create a negative atmosphere in the room. Also, keep the room clutter-free and well-organized, as a cluttered space can hinder your focus and productivity.

The Placement of Electronic Devices

Electronic devices such as computers, laptops, and mobile phones emit electromagnetic waves that can impact the energy of the study room. According to Vastu Shastra, you should avoid placing electronic devices on the study table, as it can create distraction and lack of focus.

Instead, place the electronic devices in the South-East corner of the room, as it is believed to enhance productivity and efficiency.

The Plants in the Study Room

Plants can help create a positive and energetic atmosphere in your study room. According to Vastu Shastra, you should place plants in the North or East direction of the room.

Plants such as money plant, bamboo plant, and spider plant are believed to enhance concentration, focus, and creativity. Make sure to keep the plants well-maintained and watered, as a dying plant can create negative energy in the room.


In conclusion, a positive and energetic study room is essential for enhancing focus, productivity, and academic performance. By following these Vastu tips, you can create a positive and energetic environment in your study room.

Remember to choose the right direction for your study room, place the study table and chair in the North or East direction, use calming colors such as blue and green, and keep the room well-lit and clutter-free.

With these simple tips, you can transform your study room into a positive and energetic space that will help you achieve your academic goals.

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