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The Mystical Significance of the 7 Horse Painting in Vastu Shastra in 2023

The 7 horse painting is a popular symbol of good luck, wealth, and success. According to Vastu Shastra, the painting can bring positive energy into your home or office, and help you achieve your goals. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of having a 7 horse painting and its placement guidelines.

Benefits of having a 7 horse painting

The 7 horse painting is believed to have several benefits, including:

  1. Wealth and prosperity: The 7 horses in the painting are considered a symbol of financial stability, growth, and success. The painting is believed to attract wealth and prosperity into your life, and help you achieve financial goals.
  2. Career success: If you are looking for career growth and success, then the 7 horse painting can be very helpful. The painting is believed to help you get recognition, fame, and opportunities in your career.
  3. Business growth: If you are a business owner, then the 7 horse painting can help you attract more customers, increase sales, and expand your business. The painting can also help you make profitable investments and gain financial stability.
  4. Positive energy: The 7 horse painting is believed to bring positive energy into your home or office. It can help you maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment, and create a positive atmosphere.
  5. Confidence and motivation: The 7 horse painting can help you boost your confidence and motivation levels. The painting can inspire you to work hard, stay focused, and achieve your goals.
  6. Protection and strength: The 7 horses in the painting are believed to represent the seven chakras in the body, which can provide protection and strength. The painting can help you overcome obstacles, face challenges, and stay strong in difficult times.

Placement of 7 horse painting

The placement of the 7 horse painting is crucial for its effectiveness. Here are some guidelines for placing the painting:

  1. The painting should be placed in the living room or dining room, facing north or east direction. According to Vastu Shastra, the north and east directions are the most auspicious directions for the painting.
  2. The painting should be hung at eye level and should be clearly visible from the entrance. This will ensure that the painting attracts positive energy and brings good luck into your home.
  3. The painting should not be placed in the bedroom, as it is believed to be inauspicious. The bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation, and the painting can create a feeling of restlessness and unease.
  4. The painting should not be placed in the bathroom or kitchen, as it is believed to attract negative energy. The painting should be placed in a clean and clutter-free area, which is well-lit and ventilated.
  5. If you have more than one 7 horse painting, then they should be placed in a sequence. The first painting should have seven horses, the second painting should have six horses, and so on. This will create a flow of positive energy and help you achieve your goals.


The 7 horse painting is a powerful symbol of good fortune, wealth, and success. It is believed to bring positive energy, remove negative vibes, and create a peaceful and harmonious environment. If you want to experience the benefits of the 7 horse painting, then you should follow the guidelines for its placement and make sure that it is clearly visible from the entrance. The painting can help you achieve your goals, boost your confidence and motivation levels, and attract abundance of wealth and prosperity into your life.

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